Years ago, back in the day when I had a fewer grey hairs and had started a yoga practice, Triangle Pose (Trikonasana) was my nemesis and I partially attribute the extra grey to this asana. More in a bit...
Read moreAsana for Exploration 2: Balasana (Child's Pose)
Before setting up the physical posture, clear your area, open out your mat and sit down on the heels in a kneeling position. Open the knees as wide as you wish, bring the big toes together and begin to sit the hip towards the heels, arms reach forward. Breathe into the posture and allow the pose to work it's magic.
Read moreAsana for Exploration 1: Sukhasana (Easy Pose)
Beginning a yoga practice can at first seem daunting, something else to add to an already crazy busy life: get there, go somewhere else, do this, do that. We are pulled in different directions by forces that seem to be working constantly to challenge our purpose, our simply being. To counter that outward pull, perhaps think of your yoga practice as a way of returning to YOUR center rather than someone else’s. As one of the 8 limbs of yoga we practice physical postures (known as asana) to work though the layers that connect our spirits to the outer world.
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