My favorite expression of Balasana is with wide knees, 3rd eye to the mat with palms lifted
Before setting up the physical posture, clear your area, open out your mat and sit down on the heels in a kneeling position. Open the knees as wide as you wish, bring the big toes together and begin to sit the hip towards the heels, arms reach forward. Breathe into the posture and allow the pose to work it's magic.
Lots of options to explore: palms down or raised with finger tips connected; consider trying to cup the hands with pinky edges together and imagine your hands are the bowl and fill it with what you would like to receive. With the knees consider trying different options each time you rest back; as the legs spread further from center the hip opening might deepen and the low back or knees might call to you, go easy! Take care to keep the core engaged, lifted off the thighs.
As a pose of submission, we surrender to the moment, expose the back of our hearts and let go of all that does not serve us. Speak to the pose as you rest and digest here, let your intuition speak, quiet the monkey mind and then become the observer. You just might be surprised what you learn with this posture!
If you experience any knee or back pain, take a look at a few great options that may help you in this pose!
Please Note: If this or any yoga pose caused direct pain, numbness or just does not feel right to you, please stop. Your yoga practice should never hurt, seek advice from a qualified instructor or a medical practitioner.