Maybe we should switch to more colorful trash bags at work?
It’s funny to think that my “real” job is to supervise and manage the daily operations of a busy clean room facility and here I am writing about cleaning your energy. The spawn lab produces products for the mushroom farm to enable their highly successful exotics division and we are challenged daily to maintain a clean, hygienic environment and practice aseptic techniques to maintain our mushroom spawn cultures.
So, from a Dharma perspective it is easy to see how my day time career is so heavily focused on limiting the physical space, the laborer’s and the product from forces outside of our control zone that may pose serious contamination risks. This is no mean feat when you are centered smack in the middle of a mushroom farm!
Hence, my job it to clean, and to support our staff with their cleaning practices.
Even on cloudy days the Sun continues to shine.
Now, let’s move onto another “gross” area of energy, namely food. You really do not need to understand the principles core to an Ayurvedic lifestyle to understand that our physical bodies, along with the support of a healthy microbiome, requires energy. This cycle begins with the Sun, all that which supports our digestive system is the cycle of creation and transformation from one food source to another, like wheat to flour or milk to butter.
Once you can relate to this you and better appreciate why we strive to eat foods that are not processed, pre-packaged, about as far removed from the Sun as they can be. It is really a supportive and diverse microbiome which promotes this shift of energy from the pure potential of our foods into our tissues and cells. And then what ever remains, could promote a toxic condition is allowed to leave, to be eliminated. Your body is naturally REALLY good at cleaning your digestive system. If you’ve ever experienced bouts of constipation or diarrhea you can appreciate this connection! Please appreciate that these processes are ongoing, happening out of sight BUT are under our control, meaning the choices you make regarding foods and exercise.
Hence, my internal body’s job is to clean itself.
Like this has never happened to you…
Back to Ayurveda…we continue with the more gross aspects of cleaning and self-maintenance through a series of daily practices known as Dinacharyia. With this set of tools in our tool box we MAKE time to clean our physical body and especially our senses: smell, taste, touch, hearing, sight. These obvious aspects of our being lead us into the more subtle realm of the mind and our emotional body. If you do not yet have a daily practice, please consider trying at least one each day and explore how to incorporate this into your lifestyle. And do not hesitate to check in and ask for help!
Hence, my job its to keep my senses clean.
Mindful breath work really helps!
Through the action of the senses our minds can relate to the outer world. We understand that when something smells rotten and putrid to avoid it or get rid of it (there you go…your job is to clean out your refrigerator!) and that this presents danger. When we step out into nature and smell the roses (or the lilacs or the honeysuckle) our senses relate to pleasure and peace. Every micro-second of your waking day the mind is taking in this information, processing millions of bits of information and choosing to make decisions for future actions based on experiences from the past. Building mindfulness into your day and the ability to simply STOP, reassess, and perhaps choose a different path relates to being present in every moment. What habits do you follow and why? Are these relatively healthy or more destructive in the long term?
Hence, my job it to remain centered and free from the past and the future.
Now, possibly this will be the most challenging…socks…towels…dishes…trash…the shower drain…It is assumed that at this point in your life you are able to create a mess and understand that it is your job to clean it up. Why? Because it can cause a boat load of resentment with others you live with! You may be conscious of your actions or not…it also creates a breeding ground for dirt, microbes, pests. If this sounds like you or someone you know, it may then be time to revisit concepts of mindfulness. How is my space a reflection of myself? From your home or office or your car you can extend out to how you are personally affecting our Earth. Excesses of our consumer mentality are leading to a breakdown of precious natural resources. Energy was required to start the chaos, now direct your energy to correct that which you created.
Hence, my job is to keep my space clean for myself and those around me.
Our fields of energy interconnected, why we are drawn to some and actively avoid others.
Most subtle is your mental and emotional space, deep levels of your being. Unlike food or experiences or other sensory impressions, your mind is actively creating a story, your life’s story, just like a telenovella or a soap opera. You are the staring actor/actress in your own show, be it constant drama, comedy, mystery, occult, we are all drawn to a life that is given to us from past Karmas. It is far to easy to tune into someone else’s show, especially if they seek attention or constant recognition. The mind then begins to weave it’s own story, interacting on your stage and playing out all the scenarios of what happened or could happen to affect our ego’s safety and security. Here writing or journaling are wonderful habits for discharging these thoughts which get caught up in their own narrative. The simple act of placing a pen in your hand helps to clean out that which is caught up in a stagnant energetic blockage of the mind. Breath work and mantra will also support your personal boundaries and clean out the clutter stuck in the mind-stuff.
Hence, my job is to hold space for others, but not to absorb their story.
How will you relate to gratitude today?
In writing this today, I want to send thanks and gratitude to the MANY Gurus in my life, from my childhood, academic years, colleagues from the past and countless yoga, Ayurvdeda and Jyotishis who have helped and supported my personal growth. But also, it would be negligent to not mention those who brought more negativity into my home, the workplace and most notably of recent, the news media. They have allowed me to face my demons, to find strength and resilience and a greater sense of empowerment. Where there may be those who anger, challenge, disrupt your sense of self, take a breath, open your heart to love. Self love first, love for others second. Invite gratitude, for yourself first the experiences and life lessons offered to you and to others second.
How you take in energy and how you choose to disperse it is YOUR choice. A practice or a struggle? Again, your choice, but it is your job to clean your energy and to keep yourself clean of others.
Go with peace, shine in the light!
If you are interested in learning about your stage (the twelve houses) the actors (the nine Grahas) the costumes and disguises (the twelve signs) and the screen play (planetary aspects) please contact me for a birth chart reading today.