Seeking further insight? Eager to learn more about what The Growing Room is about? The following are a few suggestions to help guide clients who are interested in the process of self study.

Wheels of Life by Anodea Judith

Find a highlighter, make a cup of tea and settle in to begin your study of the Chakra system with this reference guide. First printed in 1987, this book is considered a classic in the many writings now available on subtle energetic systems.

The first section sets the reader to understand the background and theory and then the second section explores each chakra in careful detail. Including traditional asana and meditation which most practitioners can relate to, Andeal Judith invites the reader to consider deeper relationships to the mind, associated emotional energy and blockages. 

Bring deeper awareness of the purpose of yoga in your life to help bring greater meaning to your practice and daily life.

Healing Mantras by Thomas Ashley-Farrand

The go-to reference for mantras and unleashing the power of affirmations and vibrational energy from within. This is a great book with the option of purchasing the sister CD* to help with pronunciation of the mantras. The kind a book that you can open up and find what you need quickly or one to read his stories more thoroughly to understand the full power of mantra.

Mantra is open to everyone, the book does not speak down to you, rather works to build you up. Ashley-Farrand understands clearly you are seeking something because he himself has been there, he wants to be your guide. I sense that in a way he is holding your hand in support of your efforts, but it really up to you to take the practice where you need.

*The CD is nice, but save your money and simply find a YouTube version if you need to hear the mantra first

Myths of the Asanas by Alanna Kaivalya & Arjuna va der Kooij

When in yoga teacher training (YTT) I attended a weekend workshop with Alanna Kaivalya and it was so inspirational. Rather than focusing on the postures as a body position Alanna spoke to the stories behind the postures as a means of connecting mind, body and spirit.

There are 5-10 myths that are explored in 4 sections: poses of the yogi, the Gods, the Sages and animals & Earth. A easy going, book that can be picked up on the spur of the moment when the mind gets curious about a pose.

Consider having this by your mat at home, pick one pose to read about and explore in your practice. Or a nice book to sit with a cup of tea or coffee and digest; think of it as an Aesop's Fables for the yogi!

Invisible Acts of Power: Channeling Grace in Your Everyday Life by Caroline Myss

One of two books by Caroline Myss that will be reviewed here, this book is a great inspiration for those looking for personal study of Chakra theory and inner energy. Filled with personal stories, wisdom and insight, Myss takes us though a journey of the self and challenges our perceptions of health, wellness and healing.

A book that pairs well with Anodea Judith's Chakra Yoga, consider reading Part I of Invisible Acts of Power and then work through each chakra in Part II, one/two weeks at a time along with Anodea Judith's book.